Bottle Drop-off Program

In 2014, the Community Lunch Box announced our first Bottle Sorting facility. Our Bottle Drop Off Program offers local residents and businesses an easy way to help raise funds for the Community Lunch Box Program by donating their empty bottles and cans.
The Bottle Drop-Off Program is a major part of the Community Lunch Box Program’s plan for sustainability, helping us continue to grow and give back to our community.
The Program has over 100 bins conveniently located throughout Whitecourt and Woodlands County. This not only funds our programs, but also encourages all community members to participate in a greener, cleaner community.
The Bottle Drop-off program allows community members to support the program.
Click the map below to find a drop off location near you!
Thank you Eagle River Chrysler for vehicle sponsorship!

Thank you Venom Energy for fuel sponsorship!
Check out our partnership with the ABCRC!