Community Lunch Box Program
Beginning in 2004, a small group of parent volunteers set out to ensure that all children attending schools in Whitecourt have the nutrition they need for optimal growth and development during the school day. Over the past decade, the project has evolved into an all-inclusive program that encompasses all schools in Whitecourt from both school divisions (Northern Gateway Public Schools & Living Waters Catholic Schools) and has also expanded to include community groups in the area.
The CLB provides food security and nutrition to all students attending schools in Whitecourt. We offer an inclusive program so no child is singled out for participating. 12% of the student population participate in our Food Programs on a daily basis.
We partner with 9 youth-serving organizations: 6 community schools that serve 2700 children and youth from pre-school to high school, as well as after school programs at Little Big Fort and the Boys & Girls Club. The Community Lunch Box Society aided the development of a food program for a community outreach school program. The partnership enables vulnerable teens to learn valuable life-skills while earnig credits towards a high school diploma.