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Meet the Staff

Byron Baker

Bottle Crew

Byron works hard for the Community Lunch Box Society, setting goals and crushing them!  He sorts bottles for us weekly and keeps the entire bottle crew on track with his drive and positivity.

Greg Dawson

Bottle Crew

Greg collections the bottles from over 50 locations!  You may have seen him driving around in the Community Lunch Box Truck with the back full of bottles!  His dedication to the Bottle Drop-off Program has helped the program continue to be successful.

Todd Fraser

School Crew

Todd endeavors to brighten the School Crew's day!  Every week he peels, cuts, and bags the carrots for our lunch program.  He gives his full effort delivering and keeping inventory in Percy Baxter and Whitecourt Central Schools and as well as Little Big Fort.  He sets aside time to make the shopping lists and do any required shopping to keep the supplies up in his locations for the children and youth of our community.

Pamela Helm

School Crew

Pam is always ready to jump in when there is a need.  She showed her community spirit this spring when we needed some support working with the School crew.  She stepped up to help make sure that the lunches were being organized, inventory being counted and supplies being provided when help was needed the most.

Melissa Schwindt

Cooking Club Crew

Melissa works with the children of our community teaching healthy life choices and kitchen skills.  She has made a positive impact on the Grade 5 students of Whitecourt Central School by providing a fun way to learn food safety and responsible choices.

Lorri Sprlak

Volunteer Support Centre/Bottle Crew

Lorri leaves joy everywhere she goes.  She is always ready with a smile and does her best to help others.  She makes sure that the Volunteer Support Centre looks it's best and steps in to help in the Bottle Sorting Facility,  Her kindness is hard to hide and her positive attitude makes the teamwork easy.

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Shawna Blinkley

School Crew

Shawna comes to work with a smile, she workls with the school crew making sure that the lunches are made for all the hungray children and youth.  Shawna prepares the cheese and crackers and she helps bag the carrots for the lunches.  She ia also in charge of delivering the food and inventory in St Mary's and St. Jopseph's Schools.  While she is busy preparing  lunches, deliveries and inventory, she still finds the time to do the shopping lists and any shopping the may be needed to keep food available in the schools.

Jolene Feist

Community Liaison

Jolene works in the Volunteer Suppport Centre, she keeps the wheels rolling making sure that the staff and volunteers have the support required to keep our programs running.  She makes sure the paycheques are ready and the bills are paid.

Patricia Gilmore

School Crew

Trish manages our School crew, she makes sure food donations are collected and that each location is fully stocked.  She continues to find new locations for our support services as well as locations that back our cause.  She is a strong advocate of the Community Lunch Box Society and an endless aid to our programs.

Nicholaas Slootweg

Bottle Crew

Nicholaas shows his passion and dedication to helping others by being an integral part of our Bottle Crew.  He shows up ready to work and gets the job done!  He keeping sorting the bottle until the facility is empty, never leaving a job undone.

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