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You don’t have to play a guitar or sing to be a rock star. You don’t have to have superhuman strength to be a hero; it takes a person of strong fortitude and conviction to do the many tasks and responsibilities that one CLB employee does 3 days a week.

Meet Shawna Binkley. From bagging groceries at IGA to doing inventory at St Joseph’s and St Mary’s, at the breakfast and lunch programs she makes up to fifty to sixty meals per week. Shawna does it all.

As with any hero’s story, it is safe to assume that it doesn’t come without its mishaps and misadventures. For instance, “Your hands are turning orange!” is commonly heard on Tuesday mornings as she chops dozens upon dozens of carrots. While carrots don’t grant her x-ray powers or improve eyesight, (a myth by the way) they do make a nutritious and tasty snack for the children!

Hero’s come in all different shapes and sizes. There is no archetype to being a hero. Soft spoken and small in stature, Shawna Binkley has a big and giving heart. William Shakespeare said it well “and though she be but little she is fierce”. A social butterfly, she loves laughing while spending time with other people and children. She has two nephews, aged two and five and absolutely adores them both.

She shared with me some pictures of her holding them. If love was like water, it would be flooding out the phone screen.

Her eyes lit up at the mention of the Whitecourt Wolverines hockey team. Not only does she attend their games on a regular basis, she helps the team making posters to be put up around town.

I asked if she would consider herself the team’s biggest fan.”Ohhhhhh yeah!” She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Her eventual goal as she continues to work with the Wolverines, and one day will be able to sell 50-50 tickets at the games.

She can often be found going out for coffee with friends/family around town or swimming at the Allan and Jean Miller Centre. Everyone needs a break now and then. She shared with me that she likes to play golf. This initially confused me after she told me you play it on a table! What?! The best way to describe it is it’s a bit like the card game Go-Fish. She told me she would teach me, one day. Mark your calendar, Shawna!

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