The Whitecourt Fire Department works tirelessly year round to ensure our community’s safety and Fire Prevention Week is just one way the department reaches out to help educate and ensure everyone can be fire-safe.
Fire Prevention team member Pamela Wilkinson said she wants to spread the message this year to check dates on smoke detectors and practice fire escape plans.
With winter fast approaching us and cold weather being the norm, Capt. Larry Lopes had some suggestions to ensure a fire safe home. He said to always clean and check your furnace at least once year. He added that it’s important to have a four-foot space between heat sources and combustible materials or objects. These heat sources may include furnaces, space heaters and heaters.
This year Fire Prevention Week is being held from Oct. 9 to 15.
Community partner Canadian Tire was the first location where this year’s local Fire Prevention Campaign was located.
The booth had various information pamphlets and free goodies including a draw to win a fire extinguisher or smoke alarm.
Whitecourt Fire Department deputy fire chief Wayne Andrusiak said “Every year we get more professional and this year the Department has been focusing on honing the skills of the Rapid Intervention Crew.”
Firefighter William McNaughton, who has been with the fire department for the last five years, said “It’s very rewarding being able to help out and I will continue to get better at what I do as long as I’m a part of the Whitecourt community.”
With Halloween just around the corner there are some fire safety tips to keep in mind to ensure a fire free “Hallows Eve.” When choosing a costume people should consider using fire resistant materials.
When lighting “Jack-O- Lanterns” instead of using candles, people can use alternative light sources such as flash lights or artificial candles that do not use flame such as glow sticks. When venturing out and going house to house to get candies and other delectable sweets, Capt. Lopes stressed the importance of walking with a buddy.